Sunday, January 01, 2006

Welcome, 2006

I've been thinking about resolutions, of course. And this year, I'm not even going to try to make any specific ones. Instead, I'm thinking about goals to work on. Here are the ones that are upper most in my mind today:

1. Make good family time, and remember to savor it. It's so easy to let day-to-day business and work and general drudgery get in the way of appreciating how much great time I have and CAN have with Roger and Caroline.

2. Make more time for me and Roger together. All that day-to-day stuff I mentioned in #1? It definitely makes focus on the two of us as a couple harder. So I'm going to really pay attention to improving this.

3. Use my time more wisely. Not that reading blogs and playing internet backgammon and doing Sudoku aren't valuable, but really, I could accomplish so much more if I used even half of that time to do other things.

So, I'm going right now to do other things. Namely, snuggle up on the couch with Roger and Caroline to watch the Polar Express. Nothing like starting right off the right way...

Happy New Year, every one!

1 comment:

  1. I think you are very smart to put family and your marriage first.
    That was sorta my goal for 2005. I think I will blog about that...
