Friday, October 20, 2006

Blog Ring Newsflash!

We have NOOBLES on the blog ring! Check them out and make them welcome! You can get to the newest blogs fastest by hitting "previous" on my ring code box (and hitting "previous" from there to back through the ring, newest to oldest).


  1. yea!! I'm in! thanks Diane, I love this ring and have learned so much here. I am so happy to now be a member!

  2. the first previous I hit did not have the code on her blog so I didn't get very far. Grammy's quilts or Blog is the title.

  3. Thank you for adding me to the list. I have enjoyed the blogs enough to start my own.

  4. I got slightly further than Melody but not by much. Judy in the Dyes is missing a ring button and Marion
    has cut and pasted code from your blog button which means we are transported to a different part of the ring. Still, it's always fun to check out the Noobles and to add a few more blogs to my Bloglines reading list.
