Sunday, November 16, 2008

Officially an Artist

So, I've had this thing in my head. I'm not an artist. I'm a quilter who makes art quilts. I try to use art principles in my pieces. But artists? They're other people. I'm not sure what makes them different from me ... but I just feel a bit pretentious claiming the description of "artist" for myself.

But Saturday night, I had a big leap forward. A show of quilts in which I had several pieces opened at a lovely local art gallery, The Geyser Art Gallery in Geyserville, California. The opening reception was well-attended and very fun.... AND I sold a piece! (Remember my big butterfly wing?) To complete strangers who'd wandered in and liked one of my quilts enough to pay real honest to goodness money for it! I've never even offered my quilts for sale anywhere, really ... so I was just thrilled, and they gushed at me, so it was quite a moment.

Roger took pictures during the party to capture the feel of the event, so you can see how it all looked. That gorgeous quilt of the black squiggle on white is by my friend Marjorie Smith ... I'm afraid I can't remember who made the quilt to the far right.

Here is my friend Laura, showing my one block wonder "Spring Fling" to her son Trevor and his buddy Colin.

There was good wine to sip, and here you see my daughter Caroline (a blur of motion -- fully recovered from the migraines, thank goodness) and my BFF Beth in front of three of my quilt (Smoke Signal, Butterfly Wing, and Split Infinitives).

A shot of one side of the gallery. I was delighted that my friend Pat came with her husband, and my brother and his wife made a surprise appearance.

The buttery yellow walls in this gallery just glow, and show off the art beautifully.

Here's gallery director Emily checking her records. You can see my quilt "The Bees' Secret" behind her .... that one with the irregular edges.

Afterwards, we went next door to a newish restaurant, Diavola, where we had some good wine and delicious pizza.

Oh, and did I mention? I SOLD A QUILT! (My Voyager fund is on its way...)

[Edited because I *really* do know the difference between "next door" and "next store." Sheesh.]


  1. Wonderful! Congratulations.

  2. Hey did I tell you I know this woman who is a lawyer like me only she's an honest to goodness real life ARTIST too? Oh you knew? Well, don't forget it!

  3. Of course you are an artist! Congratulations!

  4. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Wow! Congratulations. A first sale is always special.

    THanks for the recommendation of Sue Nelson's book. I went out and read it, and now I've got tons of new-to-me books on my To Read list!

  5. Congrats on selling the quilt - always a fun experience to think of someone else enjoying your quilt.

    Also - I love it when people use "next store" in place of "next door" - always gives me a giggle - thanks for the giggle.

  6. Congratulations on selling your quilt! Looks like a lovely gallery and wonderful event!

  7. Ah, lawyer and artist - now there is a combination! I'm so happy for you. I always loved the butterfly wing. The show looks wonderful!

  8. Congratulations on the sale and epiphany! I have always thought of you as an artist and glad you realize it also. Celebrate all week!

  9. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Congrats on the show and the quilt sale. It's a wonderful feeling when one of your original creations sells.

    Also much thanks for the Year of Crockpotting blog. Will definitely be trying out those recipes.

  10. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I completely understand your position, your deserved elation and the conundrum between "artist" and craftpserson/quilter. I have had the very same thoughts. I wanted to be an artist but my overall technique and presentation seemed so... pedestrain at times. Until I, too was in my first gallery show. It was a fundraiser for BikeBakersfield- and mine was one of two pieces that "sold"- all for a good cause. The second show I ever entered was a "small works" show and on the final day of entry I offered one of my fabric postcards of all things- and they accepted it. Best of it- it sold! Life has thrown some surprises at me- like for you and aren't they splendid?

  11. Congratulations Diane, on your work being shown, on your induction to being a real artist, and on your work being purchased. Kudos all around.
    I know how you feel. I make artistic quilts sometimes, but I don't really feel like an artist either.

  12. Congrats on the sale and exhibit! And welcome to the artist club!

  13. Anonymous11:38 AM

    An artist? But I knew that. Now so do you!

  14. How exciting, Diane! There's nothing like this kind of validation, is there? The butterfly piece is a knockout and I'm not surprised it sold. I used to choke on the words "I'm an artist" but I don't anymore -- and you won't, either. Just keep saying it, 'cause it's true (even if you hadn't sold that piece).

  15. I always think "she is an artist" when I look at your work.
    Now, someone has put their money where their mouth is. Congratulations.
