Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Welcome to Heaven

There are times where we are reminded how fragile life is, and how quickly everything can turn upside down. For us, this is one of those.

Over the weekend, we received news that a member of our family -- a man not yet 50 -- died suddenly and totally unexpectedly. He'd just dropped his oldest daughter off for her first year at college, and he and his wife were off with family for the weekend to relax and have fun. On the golf course, he was having a good old time -- and then he keeled over, dead.

We are so sad, and so shocked. I keep having that "but he was just HERE" feeling, totally unable to get my mind around how it could be that he left the house with a smile and a wave, and will never, ever come back.

I know this happens to people all the time.... death and loss strike all the time, seemingly so randomly. And yet, when it happens in your own circle, it is so harshly shocking. It feels unfathomable.

As trite as it is, it makes me want to say this: Tell everyone you love that you love them. Hug your dear ones. Let your friends know how much they mean to you.

I so appreciate you all -- most of you I've never met but your comments and your support cheer me and make me happy. Thanks for your friendship! Now, go hug your family! Oh, and when you're outside? Look up at the blue sky with a smile to welcome those newly-arrived folks in Heaven.


  1. How shocking and sad for you and your family. I'm so sorry for your loss.

    It's not trite at all, it's a poignant reminder to us all and I thank you for it. My thoughts are with you and yours.

  2. Please accept my condolences as well. It's one thing to know that the inevitable is coming, but quite another to have it thrust upon you so suddenly. Definitely a reminder to enjoy each day.

  3. It is a mind bending event when we lose someone so suddenly and without warning. My condolences to you and his family.

  4. Thank you so much for that lovely reminder to appreciate who and what we have. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear of the untimely loss of your friend, Diane. Condolences to you and to his family. And thank you for reminding us all to be mindful of our short time here and the need to reach out to family and friends.

  6. What a sad time for you and your family Diane. I sometimes wonder whether it would be better to know if you had a finite amount of time left, with the anxiety that goes along with it, or to die suddenly, without warning and leave behind a family that had no time to prepare for this. I guess it's not up to us anyway.

  7. My heart goes out to you and yours. It is reminder to tell others how important they are to us while we are able. Take care and know that we are all holding you in our thoughts as we look skyward.

  8. Goodness that is a shock, I'm so sorry, please accept my condolences. Thanks for the reminder to hug my family and tell them how important they are to me.

  9. I'm so sorry, Diane. Prayers for your family member and all those who mourn his loss.

    I want YOU to know how thankful I am to call you "friend". You mean a lot to me, even though it's been years and YEARS since we've seen each other, I am so glad we are in touch again!

