Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Feeling Springy

The mustard is in full bloom around here, so I am feeling very springy.  Isn't that gorgeous?  When I took Miss C to her horseback riding lesson last week, I couldn't help wandering off to take some pictures of the field next to the ring.  

I've got various projects going, not the least of which is heavy cleaning after installing new floors throughout the downstairs in the house kicked up a TON of dust.  But the result is wonderful and I'm delighted it's in and finished.

I've taken a break from cleaning to finish a project (yahoo!) and start some new things. First, I finally put the binding on the red flying geese quilt I started some months ago, which I call "Every Which Way."  I also realized that I have a bunch of big quilts I've never photographed in full because I don't have a big wall on which to hang them for that purpose.  But I rearranged the bedroom recently and that freed up a wall which will work for that purpose.  So there's a quilt photo-shoot day in my future and I'll be able to show a full picture of this and some other quilts.)

I was so charmed by seeing a lovely scrappy Trip Around the World quilt that I couldn't resist cutting up a bunch of scraps to make one for myself.  All you need is a whole bunch of 2 1/2 inch strips at 16 inches long.  The easy method for making these blocks is here
  and yes, it really IS easy and yes, it is rather addictive, seeing how every block comes out differently.  I've got a stack made, because you know -- when things are busy and you have a ton of things to do, that's always a good time to start a new quilt!  I am looking forward to finding time to sew them together.


  1. I am looking forward to my trip to Pacific Grove and SPRING. Hope to see lots of mustard and other wild flowers. Love, Del

  2. I too have been enchanted by that quilt. I need another quilt project like a hole in the head, but I have visions of making a scrappy around the world using one strip from every fabric in my stash!

    Congrats on getting the floor done. :-)
