Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday, Monday

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we are heading back to some semblance of normalcy around here.
First, thanks to everyone who emailed or commented with thoughts and experiences about Caroline's migraines. I had no idea the childhood/adolescent migraine thing was so common, but seems like every other person I talk to either had them in bad bouts, or knows someone who did. At least we have a plan and a good assortment of resources on our medical team, so that's all good.
Yesterday, I detoured from my grocery shopping errand to visit one of my favorite places in town, a store called The Gardener. It's a cool mix of household and garden things, with lots of interesting outdoor sculptures and big terra cotta pots from Europe, all set in a garden fragrant with herbs and citrus trees. I wandered and took pictures, which reminded me of one of things I am loving about photography --- it makes me LOOK at things differently, which in turn places me solidly in the moment. No room for worrying, it's all just seeing.
So that's my thought for today... I'm going to just focus on being in the moment, and seeing what's going on around me. Oh yeah, and finishing my "mathematics" quilt for 12x12. (The reveal is coming, December 1!)
What do YOU see around you that you haven't really looked at lately?


  1. I feel the same way about going out with my camera. Even when I don't have my camera, I find myself seeing things as if I did and then I am bummed that I didn't bring it. Love these photos.

  2. Great photos. I especially love the curvy, scrolly rusted thing. I am always torn between whether to bring my camera along and view the world through the lens or allow myself to just enjoy what I see. When I do the latter I usually end up wishing I had brought the camera!

  3. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I hope the meds did the trick for your sweet daughter and that you all enjoyed a bountiful Thanksgiving!
