Did you know that you can easily do without your gallbladder?
I am finding this out, as just yesterday I lost mine. Gallbladder, that is.
I discovered, in a startling and rather painful way, that I had gallstones. My doctor recommended that the gallbladder come out in order to avoid potential unexpected consequences such as pancreatitis and other infections.
And you know? I headed over to the hospital at 8am, was in the OR at aout 9:30 am, and was home floating druggedly in my own bed by 2:30 pm. And they REMOVED a body organ in the meantime.
Mind-boggling, isn't it?
At any rate, I'm now in a pain medication fog and will be for another day or two. My folks have showed up to aid in the childcare, my mom bringing tupperwares full of healthy soup. It's nice to have my mom around when I'm under the weather.
I have a stack of novels at my bedside, but every time I read, I find my hazy mind wanders into sentences and plots I make up all on my own.
Anyway, if you don't see me here for a bit, you know why. I'm off floating in la la land.
Um, do I look different without my gallbladder?