I have had a very lovely Mother's day, and I hope that all you who are mothers and/or have mothers did too!
In the morning, I was able to sit and sip my coffee while lounging on the living room couch in a pool of sunshine, one of my favorite sunday morning things to do.
I saw my mom and dad and brother and sister for a nice afternoon visit. I was reminded how nice it is to have my entire original nuclear family within two hours of where I live, and how wonderfully nice it is that we all really, really like each other.
Roger and Caroline made me a lovely dinner -- grilled marinated tri-tip, sweet potato fries, steamed asparagus, my favorite red wine (Rusina Zin) and not surprisingly, chocolate cake for dessert.
Caroline made me an elaborate collage with pictures of trees, flowers, wolves, and lots of beautiful colors. I'm so delighted to see how she enjoys her art-making and is proud to share it with others.
And Roger added a lovely bouquet of flowers, knowing I enjoy them AND that now I also have the added pleasure of photographing them to see what secrets they reveal when I shoot them up close.
All in all, a wonderful day. How lucky I am to have such a great family!
Yesterday was all about the mom luxuries. Today the mom duties return full force... but I am determined to get back to my routine of getting in a bit of sewing time most days, and blogging about it as well. I have in mind a cruise through some of the using photographs in quilts books I have, to see if I get any ideas for merging my newfound love of photography with my ongoing passion for fabric...
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