Are you in need of color inspiration? Need a smile? Want something so light your creative spark?
Well, then go look at Kris's Color Stripes. Yes. Right now.
Kris is a an artist and fashion designer who has an amazing eye for color. And she shares her simple, elegant view on a blog where she just extracts color from images that catch her eye. What a simple concept, right? But the images she chooses, and the colors she pulls out of each picture, are just perfect. I think it looks easy, but each gem of a set is so RIGHT that I know there's art and talent at work here.
When I look at her blog, I feel like I've had a little art-spa time -- relaxing and energizing at the same time.
So go douse yourself in color. (And tell Kris I sent you.)
Just what I need - another cool blog addiction.