Yesterday, my art quilt group "The Pointless Sisters" met for our monthly meeting. Virginia had us laughing when she told us that as she said goodbye to her husband on her way out the door, he said "So, you're off to the Hopeless Sisters?"
Hey. We may be pointless, but we're always hopeful.
There is nothing like gathering of women with quilt art in common. We represent a pretty wide variety of ages, life experiences, quilting and art interests, and artistic goals. Still, it's always interesting when we get together to show each other our latest work and discoveries.

That's a bolt of muslin. And it's there because our current challenge is "Muslin." The idea is to make any art quilt using JUST MUSLIN as the fabric. We can paint it, dye it, embellish or treat it in any way...but the only fabric in the quilt must have started as muslin. The results of this challenge are due next month, and I'm very eager to see what comes in. Two members have shared their Muslin Challenge pieces already, and you'd never know that they started with muslin for their colorful pieces. (I'll take photos at the official "reveal" meeting next time.)
Meanwhile, mine is not quite done but well underway. It's a big departure from my usual stuff. I've opted to keep a fair amount of the muslin plain, unbleached, with threadwork providing much of the design. I'm not sure yet how successful it is, but it's been a fun experiment.
I respond well to challenges. Apparently I'm sufficiently pointless on my own so that it motivates me to have a specific task and deadline to meet. I'm already working on ideas for our next Pointless Challenge.
Which leads me to these questions: what challenge would you like to do? What challenges have you done that you found really fun or thought provoking?
Just for fun, I searched "pointless" under Google Images. I learned that there is pointless music...even a place to buy "pointless but cool" items.
Randomly trawling through Google images? Now, that's pointless.