We have been moving slowly around here today. At about 2am this morning, I emailed off the very last, absolutely final, everything-is-ready-to-go-to-the-printer version of the appellate brief I've been working on in recent weeks. That moment when it is out of my hands and DONE is delicious, even if it does come in the wee hours of the morning. My plan was to sleep in late (one of the nice perks of the distance ed program Caroline is in) and do a whole lot of "not much" today.
Unfortunately, the phone rang at 7:30am with some last minute questions about the brief, stuff someone wanted to add, etc. But by 8:30 I was sitting in the family room with a full mug of coffee and the day stretching ahead of me. I got to linger with my novel ("The Godchildren" by Nicholas Coleridge, for those who need to know that sort of thing) and it felt very nice.
Unfortunately for Caroline, it was a migraine day for her... she took her meds and conked, which is usually what works. So that meant I had a VERY quiet hunk of time in the middle of the day. I pulled out my notebooks and have planned by next 12x12 "pink" quilt ... I washed and folded laundry... I cleaned my desk and even cleaned out two dresser drawers in the bedroom... bought tickets for C and I to see the King Tut exhibit at the DeYoung Museum this weekend with her Lit & History teacher and some of her classmates...
Not the most productive of days, but very pleasant.
Who knows what I'll do tomorrow?
* I took the picture above in Maine this past summer, when construction work was going on all around our friends' house. The guy just standing there with the SLOW sign just amused me. I think it's his energetic pose.
I think you accomplished quite a lot! At least by my standards - which has been a whole lot of nothing today.