Sunday, August 15, 2010

San Diego

Ah, the summer sunshine of San Diego... We are back from a fun and relaxing time with long-time friends.  Lots of laughter, beach, shopping, and silliness.... the perfect end to summer vacation.  Our very fun times included:

Visiting the San Diego Museum of Photographic Arts and seeing the exhibit of rock and roll photographs curated by Graham Nash

Concocting lemon drop martinis to sip out on the deck

Touring the SAQA exhibit "Transformations: Reflections" at the Quilt Visions gallery

Enjoying a delicious dinner at the Third Corner bistro and wine shop, where we dined among stacks of wine crates

Shoe shopping at Nordstrom in search of just the right flat shoes

Watching episodes of The Choir and Rachel Maddow late at night in our jammies

Eating fish tacos in Ocean Beach

and lots of just hanging out to talk and laugh.  Perfect.  Just Perfect.

So today is about unpacking and doing laundry and sorting out school books.  Boxes of homeschool materials arrived in our absence and I am looking forward to diving in.  (I may be the only one who is, however.)

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