Monday, September 22, 2008


It's a satisfying feeling to finish a project, and last week I finished TWO! A few weeks ago, I started this piece, based on a textile design by Charlies Rennie MacIntosh. It's quilted and then painted with lumiere paints. It was fun to do, but now that I've finished it, I have a bit of a "so what?" reaction to it? Exploring the process was more interesting to me than this finished piece. Oh well. It'll satisfy an assignment in my design workshop and I had fun, so what more can I ask?! Maybe it was the metallic paint effect, but I had a hard time photographying this piece. The tulips (where it looks silverish) are really a lavender/silver that is quite a pretty contrast against that peachy copper color. But I sure couldn't get that purple to show up in a picture. Maybe I'll have to do a bit of fixing with my beloved Neocolor crayons. I don't know what to call it, though.

Any ideas?

I also finished my "shelter" piece for the Twelve by 12 challenge which will be revealed on October 1. As usual, it took me a long time to settle on an idea that inspired me, but I'm happy with the way my piece turned out. I can't wait to see what everyone else has done.
Now it's back to legal work for a bit -- I'm learning all about accident reconstruction issues to prepare deposition scripts for various witnesses and write some bit motions. I've already learned more about skid marks than I ever thought I'd know. And this one of the aspects of this work I like -- it's fun learning a bit about something. I never know what will be on my plate tomorrow. (Actually, I next project has to do with standards for fabric flammability.) Variety keeps things interesting.
May your Monday be filled with a variety of fun things!


  1. Anonymous11:47 AM

    "Exploring the process was more interesting to me than this finished piece."

    I find that is very much the case for many of my pieces. Fun to do but ambivalent about the results.

    Still, I like the piece a lot!



  2. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I like the CRM inspired piece - I understand what you mean about your ambivalence about the finished piece - for me often the journay is more enjoyable and interesting than the destination. I do like it - i have always been drawn to the A&C style

  3. Yeah, if exploring the process satisfied you, then who cares about the end product. I also think that if teh colors look good in real life, then you don't need to mess with them just for the sake of a photo. If you did anything to this, I'd rather see some sparkly beads to play on teh metallic paints. It's all bordering on Klimpt. :-)

    I liked working as a graphic designer for some of the same reasons you like law -- with each new client, I got to learn about something new. Political Action Committees, Cruise lines, sports collectibles, non-profit organizations, a restaurant, and all kinds of diverse ventures.

  4. Its really beautiful!!

  5. I think it is really beautiful and interesting.

  6. I know exactly what you mean about it being more about the process than the finished product, but I love this finished product!

  7. Hi's been awhile since I've popped in on your blog. I don't know what happened.....well, yes I do.....LIFE! Anyway....I really your finished project. As for certain colors not showing might try one of those photo sites to send your picture to to doctor it and then post it. Listen to me, like I know what I'm talking about.....LOL

  8. I LOVE THE FINISHED LOOK OF THIS, DIANE! I think it definitely has a Novembery feel to it, even when you can't see the metallics in the photo. VERY evocative of the MacIntosh style, yet contemporary too.... (Maybe you can hang it in your front hall niche for fall??
