Looking back over the year, I’m gratified to realize that I accomplished more than I thought I did. Here are some personal high points of 2005:
Started the Artful Quilters Web Ring, which has allowed me to meet so many talented and wonderful women. I’m inspired and entertained by all of the blogs in the ring.
Finished 9 Quilts!
Ring Cycle

High Tech Tucks for Roger’s birthday
Smoke Signal

The Beating of a Butterfly’s Wing

The Sound of a Summer Evening

Halloween Village

Crazy Halloween Night

Hi, Pod
Christmas Candy

Tried dyeing fabric for the first time and then did more...and more... and more.
Overcame my dental phobia, got all dental work brought up to date, two teeth removed, and braces put on.
Had a lovely visit with our friends Silvia and Paulo from Guatemala, and introduced Silvia to the joy of fabric dyeing.
Watched Caroline continue her passion for horseback riding, saw her participate in two schooling shows, and beamed proudly when she one the all-school award for best/most dedicated groomer.
Got Gemma, our sweet, adorable, fun-loving black lab/weimeraner mix.

Because of Gemma, made new friends with a wonderful family in our neighborhood (Kim, Tom, Jamison and Connor) and their dog Sadie.
Got an Ipod, discovered the fun of downloading individual songs, and fell in love with the fun of listening to randomly selected songs from my personal music list.
Discovered I have "synesthesia," because I spontaneously "see" colors and associate them with letters, numbers, and words.
Experienced some quilt workshops and added to my repertoire of techniques and skills. Cinco de Mayo with Karen Stone, Still Life quilts with Daniele Todaro, Fused Gears with Robbi Joy Ecklow, the ongoing Practical Design workshop with Marilyn Felber
Organized and saw the completion of our art group’s Brown Bag challenge, with very fun results.
Surprised Roger with a date at a sushi making class, and learned to make sushi!
Enjoyed a lovely family summer vacation at Lake Tahoe
Sadly said goodbye to my sister’s dog, Libby - an elderly black lab who graced our entire family with love and devotion for many years.
Became co-president of the PTO at Caroline’s school, became a member of the district’s communications committee, and wrote a sorely needed "FAQs re School Testing" document for the district’s website and for distribution to confused and concerned parents.
Saw Loggins & Messina reunite in concert in Berkeley, still sounding darn good after all these years.
Had two quilts accepted to PIQF and saw them hanging there amid AMAZING quilts. Seeing my own quilts hanging in such great company is big thrill to me.
Lived through the repair and reconstruction of our master bathroom and survived the constant comings and goings of too many worker guys. I now enjoy and appreciate taking long hot baths in our wonderful tub more than I ever did.
Met Veronica and started lessons on her long arm quilting machine, then quilted my first quilt top on it.
Saw my brother Gregg marry his love Kitt...they are SO happy together.
Enjoyed a blissful couple of days at the Bishops Ranch quilt retreat.
Discovered the fun of playing Toontown online with Caroline ... a fun escape we can enjoy together.
Got the massive pile of STUFF out of the garage. This is still a huge accomplishment!
Enjoyed a wonderful season of holidays with my family around me ... I’m so grateful that my mom and dad are still healthy and active.
Reunited with our dear friends Eric, Diane and Abby for a terrifically unproductive week of relaxation with them.
I received a black lab pup with a red collar from my hubby at the end of Oct. I would love to share a pic, but it isn't possible this way. I would also love to ask some questions about blogspot. I have a blog there, but don't know how to do some of the layout. RobbinNeff@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteI have been looking through your archives. Very interesting.
Congratulations for getting this web ring started,what would we have done w/o you?
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful and productive year! Of course I'm especially grateful that you started the artful quilter's ring. Thank you! Jen