Our family trip to Disneyland in January, where Caroline wore her Cinderella dress to Disneyland every single day;
Pulling off a major surprise for Roger's birthday in February when our friends Diane, Eric, and Abby from Maine walked into our local Chinese restaurant to have dinner with us, and then a second surprise when Roger walked in to the house next day to find a surprise birthday party with lots of friends and family.
In March, Roger and I working together to plant 13 big shrubs and several small trees in our newly landscaped backyard (then giving up after planting 5 and hiring guys to plant the rest), and the joy of seeing greenery instead of a big brown fence.
In June, meeting Melody Johnson and enjoying her 3 day workshop at the Pacific Piecemakers Quilt Guild in Gualala on fun, fast fusing...and having my eyes opened and creativity awakened to the joy of fusing.
Spending a relaxing week with Roger's siblings at Lake Tahoe in July, and kayaking on the lake with Caroline.
In August, finishing four complex appellate briefs for the California Court of Appeals on the standards for ordering sanctions for pleadings...results still to come.
In September, having my quilt "Red Threads" juried into the Pacific International Quilt Festival and seeing it hung there.

Spending fun quilt days with Pat, Janet, Rita, and Gerrie experimenting with fabric paints in our backyard in August, attending a quilt retreat at Bishop's Ranch in October and laughing, laughing, laughing throughout.
In October, seeing the look on Laura's face after surgery when she learned that she didn't have ovarian cancer.
Roger and I watching Caroline at the Oakridge Stables' October pony show, watching her concentrate so hard, and seeing her happiness at winning two third place ribbons.
Seeing my brother Gregg so happy about his engagement to his girlfriend, Kitt.
Re-activating my New Hampshire Bar Association membership to be an active New Hampshire lawyer again, all the way from California.
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